Are you new to Ottawa and looking for work? We've put together a great list of resources to help you find a job in this great city. You will find both English and French resources here.
...and more
Career Bookmarks
This Toronto Public Library website provides links on the topics of (job hunting) strategies, self assessment, career choices, marketing yourself, jobs and success on the job. The lists of job banks and sector specific job banks are particularly useful.
This Government of Canada site provides useful links on the topics of jobs, workers, training and careers. There are also links for specific demographic groups such as newcomers to Canada, youth, persons with disabilities and aboriginal peoples.
Ce site du gouvernement du Canada offre des liens pratiques sur les questions liees a l'emploi, les travailleurs, la formation et les carrieres. On y trouve aussi des liens a des groupes demographiques precis, comme les nouveaux arrives au Canada, les jeunes, les personnes ayant un handicap, et les Autochtones.
The Work Place
This Government of Canada site provides tools to help job seekers get started on their job search. It also provides links to the classified job advertisement of 40 Canadian newspapers.
Ce site du gouvernement du Canada fournit des outils pour aider les chercheurs d'emploi a entamer leurs recherches. Il donne aussi des liens a des annonces classees d'emplois de plus de 40 journaux canadiens.
Career Development eManual
This online manual has been developed to guide you through the necessary steps in finding a job. Find information on self assessment, research, decision-making, networks and contacts, work and life / work planning.
Indeed looks for job listings from major job boards, newspapers, associations and company career pages or company websites. Search by job title, keywords or company name. Advanced Search allows you to restrict your search and exclude staffing agencies.
Indeed fournit des offres d’emploi provenant de banques d’emploi, de journaux, de la section Emplois & Carrieres d’associations et de compagnies ou du site Internet de celles-ci. Permet la recherche par titre d’emploi, mots-cles ou nom de compagnie. La recherche avancee permet aussi de limiter votre recherche et d’exclure les agences de recrutement.
Job Bank
This Human Resources and Skills Development Canada site is one of the largest job posting sites available to Canadians.
Ce site de Ressources humaines et Developpement des competences Canada est l'un plus grands sites de publication d'offres d'emploi qui soit offert aux Canadiens.
Workopolis is Canada's leading Internet job site. Search for jobs by keyword, location, date or company name. Post your resume online and register to receive career alerts. It also posts useful articles on employment topics.
Workopolis est le site Internet de recherche d'emploi de file du Canada. Vous pouvez y effectuer des recherches par mot-cle, par endroit, par date ou par nom d'entreprise. Vous pouvez aussi y publier votre curriculum vitae en ligne et vous inscrire pour recevoir des alertes d'emploi par courriel. Ce site publie aussi des articles pratiques sur des sujets lies a l'emploi. =
Use this site to find and apply for jobs with the Federal Government.
Servez-vous de ce site pour trouver des emplois ou postuler aupres du gouvernement federal.
Go Jobs = Emplois go
Use this site to find and apply for jobs with the Government of Ontario.
Servez-vous de ce site pour trouver des emplois ou postuler aupres du gouvernement de l'Ontario.
City of Ottawa: Career Opportunities = Ville d'Ottawa: Possibilites d'emploi
This site posts jobs available with the City of Ottawa.
Ce site publie les emplois disponibles aupres de la Ville d'Ottawa.
Volunteer Ottawa = Benevoles Ottawa
Consult this site to find out about local volunteer opportunities.
Vous pouvez consulter ce site pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur les occasions de benevolat de la region.
Wow Jobs
The largest job search engine in Canada. Search over 100,000 jobs from thousands of job boards, employment and career sites in Canada. Includes a salary search function, RSS feeds and a free mobile app.
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When looking for work in Ottawa, the resources at the Ottawa Public Library are invaluable! Here is a list of resources to help get you started:
Search these subjects in the library catalogue. You can also browse the shelves for titles with these call numbers.
Cherchez notre catalogue automatise pour les sujets suivants ou parcourez les rayons pour les titres avec ces cotes.
Subject / Sujet | Call Number / Cote |
Resumes (Employment) | 650.14, 650.142 |
Curriculum Vitae | 650.14 |
Cover Letters | 650.14, 650.142 |
Lettres d'introduction | 650.14 |
Employment Interviewing | 650.14, 650.144, 658.3112 |
Entretiens d'embauche | 650.14, 658.3112 |
Job Hunting | 650.14 |
Recherche d'emploi | 650.14 |
Helpful reference books (for use only in the Library)
Des livres pratiques a consulter (pour consultation a la bibliotheque seulement.)
The Canadian hidden job market directory, (2006) 331.12802571 C2125ja
Contains profiles of top Canadian companies, lists of recruiters, profiles of industry associations and lists of job websites.
Le guide de l'emploi, (2005-2006) 331.12 G111
Ce livre fournit des renseignements precieux sur le marche du travail, de meme que des listes d’employeurs par ordre de secteur.
The Career directory, (2007) 331.124025713 C271
This directory lists companies that have hired people with a particular type of educational training. It contains useful company profiles that evaluate each organization from an employee's perspective.
Canada's top 100 employers, (2006) 338.740971 C2124
This directory lists the best employers to work for in Canada.
The Canadian student and grad job directory, (2006) 331.12402571 C212a
This guide provides profiles of student employers across Canada. Companies are listed alphabetically, by industry sector and location.
Get wired, you’re hired! : the Canadian internet job search guide,(2006) 650.1402854678 S973
A directory containing hundreds of website profiles for employment related sites.
Trouver un emploi sur internet, (2002) 650.1402854578 V816
Ce livre sert d’introduction pratique aux personnes a la recherche d’un emploi a l’aide d’Internet. Publie en France.
The Big guide to living and working overseas, (2004) 650.14 B592
This guidebook contains contacts for overseas jobs in schools, the private sector, government and non-government organizations, as well as the United Nations.
Le guide complet des jobs et stages autour du monde, (2002) 331.128 L595
Renseignements sur des programmes d'apprentissage et sur des emplois a l'etranger.
International voluntary work, (2007) 361.37025 I161a
This directory contains information on thousands of long and short-term volunteer placements around the world.
Ottawa business and procurement directory, (2007) 338.002571384 O89b
This is a directory of businesses in Ottawa. Search by product or service.
Directory of Ottawa community services, = Repertoire des services communautaires d'Ottawa, (2006) 361.002571384 D598d
A directory of community service organizations in Ottawa, organized by type of service.
Un repertoire des organismes de services communautaires d’Ottawa, organise par ordre de type de service.
Ontario business to business sales & marketing directory, (2006) 338.7025713 O59
This is a comprehensive directory of businesses in Ontario. Companies are listed by location as well as by product or service.
Canadian key business directory = Le Repertoire des principales enterprises canadiennes, (2007) 338.002571 c212
This is a directory of major businesses in Canadian. Companies are listed in alphabetical order, with geographic and business sector indices.
Ceci est un repertoire des principales entreprises au Canada. Les entreprises sont listees par ordre alphabetique, et on y trouve aussi un index geographique et des secteurs operationnels.
Canadian government programs and services, (current) 351.71 C2127
A handbook to the federal government providing background information on departments, agencies, crown corporations, commissions, boards and councils.
Associations Canada, (2006) 061.1 A849a
This is a directory of associations in Canada. Many professional association websites maintain job databases, have contact lists and provide labour market information.
To search OPL's research databases, go to the Ottawa Library’s website and click on Find Articles and More. You can search most of the databases from home by typing in your library card number.
Pour effectuer des recherches dans les bases de donnees de la BPO, visitez notre site Web et cliquez sur Trouvez des journaux et revues. Vous pouvez chercher la plupart des bases de donnees a partir de chez vous, en utilisant le numero de votre carte de la bibliotheque.
Career Cruising
This database contains an interactive skills assessment tool that matches your interests to possible careers. It also contains occupational profiles and lists colleges and universities offering specific programs of study.
Learning Express Library
This database contains a selection of US Civil Service practice examinations.
Canada Employment Weekly
This database contains 1,000s of job advertisements for positions across Canada.
Canadian Newsstand
This newspaper database contains full text articles from the Ottawa Citizen from 1985 - present and the Globe and Mail from 1977 - today. This is an excellent source for conducting company research.
Canadian Business and Current Affairs
This database contains articles from hundreds of Canadian magazines and newspapers. This is another excellent source for researching companies.
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